How do I get ISO 45001 certified?
To get ISO 45001 certified, the following steps are typically involved:
Conduct a gap analysis: Conduct a gap analysis to identify any gaps between your existing occupational health and safety (OHS) management system and the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.
Develop an implementation plan: Develop an implementation plan to address any gaps identified in the gap analysis and to implement the necessary changes to your OHS management system.
Implement changes: Implement the necessary changes to your OHS management system based on your implementation plan.
Conduct internal audits: Conduct internal audits to ensure that your OHS management system is conforming to the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.
Select a certification body: Select a certification body that is accredited to certify organizations to the ISO 45001 standard.
Conduct a certification audit: The certification body will conduct an initial certification audit to assess your OHS management system’s conformity to the ISO 45001 standard.
Address any non-conformances: If any non-conformances are identified during the certification audit, you will need to address them and provide evidence to the certification body that they have been resolved.
Receive certification: If your OHS management system is found to be conforming to the ISO 45001 standard, you will receive a certificate of conformity from the certification body.
Conduct surveillance audits: Once certified, you will need to undergo regular surveillance audits to ensure that your OHS management system continues to conform to the ISO 45001 standard.
The certification process can take several months, depending on the size and complexity of your organization’s OHS management system. It is important to note that implementing and maintaining an ISO 45001 certified OHS management system requires ongoing commitment and resources from your organization.
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